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Welcome to Year 1

Our Learning 

Design and Technology - Fruit Salad

We have been learning all about healthy eating and what we need to do to keep healthy. We learnt that it is recommended that we eat 5 portions of fruit or vegetables a day. We decided to make a fruit salad. We investigated different fruits and where they come from in the world. We had a vote to see what fruit we should get and made a pictogram of this data. We designed what are fruit salad would look like. Once the fruit was in school we learnt about food hygiene and took turns to use a knife to cut, chop, and peel the fruit. We talked about the different parts of the fruit and the difference of the outside and inside of the fruit. Once all the fruit was chopped we looked at our original fruit salad design and put the correct fruit into our bowls. We then ate our own fruit salad, it was yummy. Afterwards we evaluated our fruit salad, what was easy, what was tricky and what would we change next time.

Design and Technology

This half term we have been learning all about textiles and fastenings. We practised first learning different skills of fastenings such as running stitch, using a stapler, safety pins and glue. We then designed our own bag. We then made a paper pattern of the bag and cut out the felt to the correct size. We then fastened the pieces of felt together using our sewing skills. We added different features to our bags by either sewing on, gluing, drawing or using a stapler. We loved our finished bags and were very proud of what we had achieved.


After all our learning about insects this half term we thought like scientist and asked lots of questions about insects. We then researched through books and questioning to find the answers. Just like a true scientist, we found some answers but also came up with lots more questions!


Learning about money. We looked at the different shapes, sizes and colour of the coins. We looked at the different values of the coins and sorted them in different ways.


All things Bugs. Our new topic in science this half term is all about minibeasts. We started off exploring the school grounds thinking like scientist and finding insects. We looked under pots, under logs, in cracks, on the ground, trees and leaves. We found all sorts of insects. We collected the insects using a pooter and carefully looked at the insects using a magnifying glass. We learnt the words abdomen and thorax. We found ladybird aphids, woodlice, spiders, bees, ants and some beetles.


We are doing so well on our purple mash challenges. We can now log on to the computer using our own login details and passwords and can access the purple mash website. Our new topic is called Maze Explorers and we are learning all about algorithms and debugging.


We have started on our textiles journey for this half term. We looked at lots of different bags and discussed what the bags were made out of, how did the bags fasten, any special features and how were the bags made. We made some observational drawings and wrote our ideas down on post-it notes.


Now we are in the season of summer and it is the month of June we went out into the school grounds to explore what is happening. We talked about what happens in summer and what the weather is like. We poured water onto the ground and drew a chalk line around it. Very soon the water had disappeared, we had lots of discussions on where we thought the water had gone. We collected really small items from the environment that would only fit in a small pot. We watered the plants in our garden. We looked at all the different colour greens in the grass. We pulled about a flower to see what ws inside. We blew bubbles and talked about what happened to the bubbles.


We made a wheeled vehicle in our design and technology lesson. We linked our learning with the books we had been studying about a young girl in Kenya who was struggling to water her plants. We designed a vehicle that could transport water. We cut the dowel to the correct size using a real saw. We then spent a whole day constructing our vehicles following our designs. We made sure our vehicle had an axle and 4 wheels that turned. We then tested our vehicle to see if our design was strong enough. We then evaluated our design.


We took part in a zoom art lesson. We met the author Caryl Hart and the illustrator Bethan Woollvin. Caryl read her story 'Meet the Weather'. Bethan showed us around her art studio and explained how she drew the pictures. She then took us step by step in an art lesson on how to draw the weather.

Science - making bird feeders

We have been learning about birds during our science lessons.
We have been out bird watching and tried to identify the birds that we saw. We have set up a bird watching table in our class and ticked off any birds we saw on a bar chart. We decided to make some bird feeders to try and attract more birds to the playground. We got very messy mixing lard, raisins, seeds together and putting into pots to hang up on the trees. We also rolled cardboard tubes in lard and covered them in seeds.


We are busy learning how to write our own eBook. We can type a sentence adding capital letters and full stops, change the font, draw pictures, move the pictures and add sounds.

Balance Ability

We all had a fantastic time with Cycle North who came to visit us. We all tried the balance bikes and zoomed around the playground learning skills and how to be safe. Some of us progressed onto pedal bikes. Congratulations to all those children who learnt to ride on two wheels.


We have been out and about in the school grounds looking at different trees, plants and flowers. We measured the width of the trees, looked closely at the bark, leaves, seeds and roots. We learnt about deciduous and evergreen trees. We took some bark rubbings and some observational drawings. We even made a tree college from natural resources.

Music Trip

We had lots of fun in Pudsey at the music concert. We sang, danced and played instruments with 400 other children. It was fun and noisy.

Science - Celebrations

Science this half term has been about Celebrations. We started off investigating light and dark. We went inside Mrs Dockree’s dark stock cupboard to see if we could see in the dark with our eyes open. We looked at a real lit candle and learnt about the flickering light. We investigated with torches and found opaque, translucent and transparent objects. We made shadow puppets.
We made musical instruments out of different materials for our Celebrations.
We ended the unit of work by making some celebrational food that is eaten at the end of Ramadan, stuff dates. We took out the hard stone and filled the date with cream cheese. We learnt about the different tastes, sweet, sour, salty and bitter.

Science Week

During Science week we carried out some science experiments. Our first experiment was to mix coloured water to see how the colours mixed together. The next experiment was to put food colour drops onto the milk and then adding washing up liquid to see what happened. Our last experiment was to add vinegar to bicarbonate of soda and watching the chemical reaction. So much awe and wonder was had by all.

History Trip

This half term our driver has been history, all about the first engine aeroplane and how flight has changed since the Wright Brothers first flight in 1903. We went on a trip to the Air Museum, a fantastic day was had by all.


We learnt what happens if we had glitter germs on our hands and how to wash our hands correctly to get rid of the ‘germs’.


In maths we have been investigating measures. We have learnt about length, mass and capacity. We started measuring using non-standard units of measures and then learnt how to use a ruler and measure in centimetres. We looked at the capacity of different containers and how much volume each container could hold.


Now it is the season of Spring, we went on a Spring walk and looked for signs of Spring. We discovered there is a lot going on in the school grounds.

World Book Day

We had a lovely time on World Book Day. We dressed up as our favourite book characters and spent time reading lots of our lovely class books.


We love to play the glockenspiels during our music lessons. Sometimes we improvise and sometimes we make our own compositions. We learn to follow a tune and play the correct notes.


In science our topic was about the Polar Regions.
We went for a winter ice walk.
Investigated what clothes to wear, what gloves would be flexible, water proof and warm.
We also looked at which animals would have the best camouflage.
We made our own Polar Region reports.
We investigated what foods would be best to take on a polar adventure and tasted some delicious warm soup.
We made some polar animals in our art lesson out of clay. We learnt to slip, score and smooth to join the clay pieces together.


All about coding. We used the laptops to code. We gave each other instructions to follow and made the Beebots follow a route. We learnt all about algorithms and debugging.


We learnt to mix primary colour paints to make new colours. We also investigated adding white paint to a colour and making tints.


We learnt about our sense of smell and taste in science. Some of the foods tasted and smelt great, others not so!

Visitors in School

We enjoyed our Martial Arts taster session. We learnt to do a warm up before we exercised. We had lots of fun learning new moves and making lots of noise.


We enjoyed our practical maths lessons. Here we have been learning about number bonds within 10.


We made moving pictures using sliders and levers. We were inspired by the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Planting Bulbs

We have been planting some daffodil bulbs in our garden .


We have been learning about inequality in numbers.

Human and Physical Features

We walked around our school environment looking for human and physical features.


We looked at some atlases. We found land, sea, rivers, roads and mountains.

Lost and Found

We have acted out the story of Lost and Found.
